
Faites votre réservation

Trip Type

Manage Your Reservation Online

It’s easy to book your ferry travel and manage your reservations online.


  • Book faster by creating an account — ideal for frequent travellers.
  • Modify your reservation to change dates, passengers, etc.
  • Cancel your reservation with ease — no need to call us.

Getting started is easy.

Below are three guides to walk you through managing your reservation.

  • Guest Users can retrieve a reservation using their email address and confirmation number.
  • I Have an Account is for registered users.
  • Create an Account if you travel by ferry often, create an account, to manage your reservations and view history.
Guest User

Retrieve Your Reservation

Step 1:
Visit Ferries.ca/book and Select Manage Reservations.

Manage Reservation

Step 2:
Enter the email address used to make the booking and confirmation number found in your confirmation email.

Modify Existing Reservation

Confirmation Number

Modify Your Booking

Step 1:
Select Modify Booking if you would like to change dates, passengers, vehicle information, etc.

Reservation Found

Step 2:
Window will indicate Modifying Booking and you can begin making changes to your reservation.
Please note that you will need to re-enter your Booking Contact Information.

Reservation Found

Step 3:
Once that is submitted you will receive an on-screen Booking Confirmation and an updated email confirmation.

Booking Confirmation

Cancel Your Booking

Step 1:
If you no longer wish to travel, simply Click Cancel Booking, after you have retrieved your reservation.

Reservation Found

Step 2:
There will be a prompt to confirm that you would like to cancel your booking.

Cancel Booking

Step 3:
If you Select OK there will be an on-screen confirmation followed by an email notification that your reservation has been cancelled.

You have Cancelled your booking


I Have an Account

Login into Your Account

Step 1: 
Visit Ferries.ca/book and Select Manage Reservations or Login.


Step 2:
Once logged in, all current and previous reservations are displayed.
An Active reservation can be viewed, modified, or cancelled and will be in blue.

view modify cancel

View Your Reservation

Select View to see the details of your reservation.

View Booking

Modify Your Booking

Select Modify if you would like to change dates, passengers, vehicle information, etc.
You will receive an on-screen Booking Confirmation and an updated email confirmation.
If you’ve added passengers or a vehicle you will need to enter payment details.

Modify Booking

Modify Booking

Cancel Your Booking

Step 1:
If you no longer wish to travel, simply Click Cancel. You will need to confirm that you would like to cancel your booking.

Cancel Booking

Step 2:
Your cancellation will be confirmed on screen and on your account page.

Booking Cancelled

Booking Cancelled

Create an Account

Create an Account

Step 1:
Visit Ferries.ca/book and Select Register in the righthand corner.


Step 2:
Complete the form and Select Register.

Register a new account

Step 3:
Once registered you’ll automatically be logged into your account indicating Account Successfully Created message.
You’ll be able to make a new booking, change active reservations and view reservation history.

Account info


Typing on laptop

Create an Account

Book faster and modify your reservation with a saved profile—ideal for frequent travellers.